Free Writing Collective
All Are Welcome!
Allison Sebastian, Director at Seasons Psychotherapy, hosts a free virtual
writing collective on Monday and Friday mornings, from 8-9am.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free, silent writing collective space, NOT group therapy.
To receive the Meet link, email Allison by clicking below.

"Writing heals the writer. And when it is brave and true, it may heal the reader."
- Pat Schneider
Here are the rules of engagement in order to maintain a safe writing collective for all:
1. A writer is someone who puts their words, ideas, thoughts on paper. There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" writing in this collective.
2. This is a drop-in writing collective, but each participant must make initial email contact with Allison Sebastian prior to their first drop-in to express interest and receive the Zoom link.
3. All participants must be in a private safe space without visual distractions for other writers.
4. All participants will be muted, except for hello at the beginning and good-bye at the end. This maintains a quiet space for all writers.
5. All participants will keep video on so other participants don't feel seen without being able to see.
6. There will be no sharing of writing and no speaking during this hour of writing.
7. Allison will put a simple writing prompt in the chat at the beginning of the hour to get you started if you need it. It is optional. You can write whatever you need to write during this hour.
8. In the last 5 minutes you will be invited to type a line from your writing into the chat if you'd like. This is also optional.
Mark your calendars for Monday and Friday mornings 8-9am, and drop-in when the writing spirit moves you!